Chapter 33 Sura Ahazab Verses 45 - 48


In these verses Allah swt addresses the Holy Prophet (saw) and mentions 5 attributes and responsibilities that He has granted the Holy Prophet (saw). 

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Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 49 - 55


These verses talk about some injunctions for marriage and divorce, both for the Holy Prophet (saw) in particular and for the believers in general. There is also more guidance for the believers about courtesies due to the Holy Prophet (saw) and his household. 

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Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 35 - 40


Continuing with the study of Sura Ahzab, this section discusses Zaid ibn Harith divorce from Zaynab bint Jahesh and her subsequent marriage to the Holy Prophet (saw) and the lessons to be learnt from this. 

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What do strong families have in common?

It is said that happy families look a lot like each other whereas those that are unhappy are each unhappy in their own way. In this episode we talk about intentionally strengthening our families. This begins by recognizing what characteristics families have that makes them healthy and strong. 

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Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 21 - 34

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam.

In this section, the HP (saw) is asked to talk to his wives and his household and give them certain messages

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Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verses 9 - 20

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam.

The Sura mentions the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) also called Battle of Ahzab, it gives us a clear psychological portrait of the hypocrites and compares that to the psychology of the believers.

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Chapter 33 Sura Ahzab verse 1-8

Sura Ahzab is a very significant chapter of the Holy Quran and includes discussion on many social, political and domestic issues. It was revealed in fifth year of Hijra which was a critical year in the history of early Islam.

The Sura mentions the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) also called Battle of Ahzab, it gives us a clear psychological portrait of the hypocrites and compares that to the psychology of the believers.

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#1 The Emotional Bank Account

Do you wonder why you react differently to people who may behave in a similar way. being understanding of one person and annoyed at the other? Your reaction is probably based on the balance in your emotional bank account. 

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Mostly everyone agrees that telling the truth is one of the keystones of character. It is also the basis of developing trust in relationships, both personal and business.

Why is it then, that we sometimes find it so hard to tell the truth? We may have become so habituated to being selective with the truth that we may not even be conscious of it when we are not telling the truth and the whole truth. Is it ever okay to tell "little white lies"? is it ever okay to conceal part of the truth? We explore these and many other questions in this final lecture in the series "Essential Virtues for Developing Nobility of Character".

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48:Sabr (Patience & Perseverance)

In this lecture we discuss the virtue of Sabr which is usually translated as Patience but it is so much more than that. In this lecture we discuss the three parts of the virtue of Sabr and what modern research says about it

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